Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week!


"My teacher advised me not to use superlative degree,as there is no limit to improvement and exploration of the universe.'Most'- beautiful thing in the world is a subjective matter as beauty is only skin deep and lies in beholder's eye. Our thoughts and perceptions assign value to things. Never use the superlative degree for anything as nothing in this world is the so called 'Best' or 'Most' Beautiful that cannot be seen or touched, as research is an ongoing process and there is no limit to improvement. As regards hidden within human body ,the 'Soul' is the only thing that can't be seen and touched. The vital and beautiful organs of human body are the brain and the heart, but even they can be seen as well touched ,only You have to have an open mind and open heart ,curiosity and guts of providing access to a surgeon to expose the 'so -called' most beautiful things in the world hidden even in the human body"

-Tejinder Kamboj

Foot Note:
My above quote is a counter to Helen Keller's quote as it is obsolete,outdated belittles the achievements and hard work for humanity and of researchors,inventors,scientists and Doctors. There are many things in this universe that cannot be seen or touched. Even we do not know whether they are beautiful ,ugly or in existence in this universe. The first and the foremost mysterious to my mind is the form of the creator of the universe and some of His/her or It's creations like Air, heat in the Sun Rays, Magnetic power, fragrance in vegetation, Sound, Oil in the seeds, aliens, ghosts etc.

God is one.(Ikk-Onkaar' :"Immortal,invisible,in light inaccessible,hidden from all eyes." GOD is an abbreviation. Full form is Generator, Operator& Destroyer.In Sikhism Formless.In Hinduism  assumes 3 forms Brahma-the generator,Vishnu the Operator,Shiva the destroyer,
Soul-Is the spiritual or immaterial part of human being or animals regarded as immortal.

-Tejinder Kamboj


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