Quote of the Week!
Quote of the Week!
Poor playing Rich man's game
happiness lies within you. Contentment makes a poor man rich and
discontentment makes a rich man poor. True contentment is not having
everything but in making an alternative through 'Jugaad' without use of
money and material the enjoyment is complete. sense of
accomplishment, pleasure and satisfaction are the by-products. As
relating to dyeing fabric,they put it in Punjabi(Language),"Hing lage na
Phitkari,rang bhi chowkha aaye." {It means (figuratively) to make
profits without using money and material only putting in efforts of your
own. (Literally) means without using costly materials like asafoeti or
potash, yet somehow get the colour you wanted.}"
-Tejinder Kamboj
Jugaad means
(a flexible approach to problem-solving that uses limited resources in an innovative way)
Hing and Phatkari are used in dyeing fabric
Hing = asafoetida😜rice Rs.7000 /Kg
Phitkari = Alum.😜rice Rs.400/ounce
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