
Showing posts from November, 2022
 Quote of the Week! "Father's love, effort, fears and tears are unnoticed and un-uttered but his care and protection remains a pillar of hope, strength to the family unit,a guiding light to help and lead the way for shaping the life of the children. A Father is a fountain of wisdom ,works hard leaving no stone upturned, sacrificing his own comforts and desires to give children a beautiful life and in making his children's dreams come true." -Tejinder Kamboj ​       (1940-20??)  

Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week! H-Hydrogen on the left- Oxygen in the middle-not on the same page,   HO on the right 2H  on left                                       2H+O   in the Middle                                               O on the right "Nothing is good or bad but their nature makes them so. By nature, Hydrogen is extremely inflammable and acts in destructive ways. Oxygen supports combustion but has benevolent behavior and is vital to life . There is no way to make water that extinguishes fire. One molecule each of oxygen and hydrogen would be...

Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week! Poor playing Rich man's game "True happiness lies within you. Contentment makes a poor man rich and discontentment makes a rich man poor. True contentment is not having everything but in making an alternative through 'Jugaad' without use of money and material the enjoyment is complete. sense of accomplishment, pleasure and satisfaction are the by-products. As relating to dyeing fabric,they put it in Punjabi(Language),"Hing lage na Phitkari,rang bhi chowkha aaye." {It means (figuratively) to make profits without using money and material only putting in efforts of your own. (Literally) means without using costly materials like  asafoeti or potash, yet somehow get the colour you wanted.}" -Tejinder Kamboj ​       (1940-20??) N.B. Jugaad means (a flexible approach to problem-solving that uses limited resources in an innovative way) Hing and Phatkari are used in dyeing fabric Hing = asafoetida😜rice Rs.7000 /Kg Phitkari = Alum...