Quote of the day!
"Jis Ghar Mauja.n Maaneeyaa.n Ik Na Rakhan Raat"
-Baba Farid

Farīd al-Dīn Masʿūd Ganj-i-Shakar (c. 1173-1266), known reverentially as Bābā Farīd or Shaykh Farīd by Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus of the Punjab Region,was a 12th-century Punjabi Muslim preacher and mystic
There are 134 hymns of Sheik Farid
incorporated in the Guru Granth Sahib (The
Holy book of the Sikhs).Farid Shakarganj (1173 – 1265AD of Pak Pattan.When
Farid was conceived, his mother used to spend her days and nights in
prayer. He was born at Kothiwal on the first day of the
month of Ramzan, the Muslim religion's most sacred month, A.H. 569
" O! Farid, your status is like a Bubble of water,The place you called your Home,where you enjoyed your life to the full,after your death you are not allowed to stay therein even for a Night!"
Translation and illustration by Tejinder Kamboj
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