Quote of the Week!

Quote of the Week!

May be an image of ‎2 people, child and ‎text that says '‎Did u stay in too long and got burnt? No, normal nine months and קס Did they take you out RAW?‎'‎‎
Innocent child doesn't know it's a statue and doesn't even know how much it weighs! But only saw a living being 
needed help.Look at the world with the heart of a child and life will become more beautiful

"For providing beautiful life's journey, look at things with the pureness of an innocent child's heart and eyes, filled with pure unconditional love, care, kindness, compassion and concern with what others are going through ,not with a jaded adult heart. Let your inner child out at times, life journey would become more beautiful, If our inner child with eyes of childlike wonder was our life journey guide. Remain open to awe and wonder. Avoid being cynical. Make the present moment more meaningful Rediscover or reconnect with your inner child."
-Tejinder Kamboj



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