Quote of the Week!
Fighter (Above) Role of Woman according to Hadith(:89:852 (Below)
"Whereas The Holy Quran (4:124) states:
'If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female and have
faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done
to them meaning thereby Allah believes in equality of sexes but Hadith
Sahih Bukhari (9:89:252) states that a man is expected to be the
“guardian of [his] family”, whereas a woman is expected to be 'guardian
of her husband’s home and of his children'. Hadiths are a hearsay may
not be true.Now the roles have been reversed,women are not only guarding
their men but also their entire country as equals rendering this Hadith
-Tejinder Kamboj
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