Turning Point in General Ayub Khan's Life!


S.Meharban singh has been one of the famous personalities of singapur. During 1970’s i used to live in singapur , where i heard a tale from him He told that Once upon a time we went to travel across gurdwaras of pakistan. General ayub khan was the president of pakistan at that time. He called me for a supper at his home. When i went into the drawing room , i was amazed and shocked with what i saw there. On the wall front of me i could see a painting with following panktiyan (scriptures) written on it

The Mool Mantar - basic teachings

Below the painting i could see two more frames hanging from the wall, the first frame consisted of written mool mantra in punjabi and the second one contained the same holy wordings (Mool Mantra) in urdu. We began our general talks. I was very keen to know about the mool mantra. I stopped the talks in between and asked the general,”General if you allow me i would want to ask about the (pointing towards it) mool mantra. He kept the silence for a minute and then spoke,” this is the composition by great SR I GURU NANAK DEV JI , it’s because of this composition that i have managed to become the president of the country. This mool mantra is responsible for my success. “
He told me ,
I used to study at a place name Aibtabaad. I used to get the beatings from teacher everyday , i was the weakest student of my class. One day i determined that i will not go to the shcool. In the midway to my school there was a Gurduwara sahib, for hiding purposes i went into the Gurdwara sahib. The preist of Gurdwara sahib knew me very well. He asked me ,”oye Aubeya, isn’t it your school time, what are you doing here?” I replied,”i don't want to go to school ,teacher scolds and beats me everyday, i can’t bear all this anymore , i will not go to school.” He took me under his lap and said me,”Aubeya , i assure you , you will never ever get the beating from your teacher , but for that you have to follow my instructions , whenever you would go to school just keep reciting this holy Mool Mantra.” I followed his instructions. i went to the school reciting the Mool Mantra . It was the first day in my school when i was spared from the beatings and scoldings of the teacher. I followed it everyday , whenever i used to go to school i used to recite this holy composition and after that i was never beaten by any teacher in the school.
Then exams arrived , i went to the same priest and said,”baba ji i want to get good marks in the exam , tell me what should i do?” , Baba Ji said, ‘Ayuba, Guru Nanak’s Kalaam of Mool Mantra is with you,meditate on daily basis and never leave it wherever you go. Whatever you wish for, you will get.’.”

I have reached this highest post of the country by the grace of Baba Nanak’s Mool Mantra and shall ever remain thankful to him for his
In the year 2000 I, had a chance to go to Pakistan. I was moving across the market in Lahore , suddenly this tale of Ayub khan struck my mind. I went into a bookstore and asked for the autobiography of Ayub khan. I was given a book named “FRIENDS ,NOT MASTERS” . I just wanted to confirm this tale, and after moving through few pages of  the book i was confirmed about the tale. Prof. Satbir Singh has also written about this tale in one of his books.
Baba Gurbksh Singh (Nanaksar-Nakodar)

Paragraph from his 1967 autobiography, “Friends Not Masters”, is worth quoting. He wrote:
On the whole I found school life quite enjoyable. The school was run by the Sikhs and the teachers were very kindly and considerate,except for Master Sujhan Singh who was a tartar. He did not need much excuse or provocation to beat up the whole class, including the monitor,a position to which I was often elevated. Whenever anything went wrong it was the monitor who was the first to be punished for it.
 I remember a cold rainy day when Master Sujhan Singh did not turn up.We hoped to God he was dead. I was deputed by the class to go and find out what had happened. I found the Master surveying the debris of his house* which had collapsed under the rain* looking as alive as ever but a trifle disconcerted* I conveyed to him the concern of the class and suggested that we should all come and help him rebuild the house.
He brusquely turned down the offer and asked me to go back to school* 
which I did, anxious to communicate the good news to my companions 
without loss of time. He could not attend the school for a fortnight and 
we found that a great relief 
The Sikhs were large-hearted people - 1 found their rituals and their 
songs in Punjabi absorbing* X still remember a line which fascinated me 
at that time:
'Sau rang tamashe takkiye, akhian nahin rajjian'
( Actual : 'Akha.n vekh na rajjia.n bauh rang tamashe')
Ayub translated this line as: "Life is a great spectacle of colors; one sees so much of it and yet one has an insatiable desire for more."

"Mool Mantar may not cause miracle,but psychologically,the belief brings confidence which in turn transforms into strength."
-Tejinder Kamboj

Searched,Compiled,Opined, and illustrated by Tejinder Kamboj


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