18 Hybrid Animals That Are Hard To Believe Actually Exist
18 Hybrid Animals That Are Hard To Believe Actually Exist Legend is full of strange, hybrid creatures, and Photoshoppers have dedicated countless hours to creating new ones. But this list contains no Photoshopped images: all of these animals are real! You’ve all heard of the liger, but what about the narluga? Or the leopon? This list of REAL hybrid animals will surprise and amaze you. What does the future hold, with advances in genetic engineering and cloning? Only time will tell! Keep reading to find out more about these strange creatures. Liger ( Male Lion + Female Tiger) Although there are rumors of wild Ligers, as far as we know, they exist only in captivity where they are deliberately bred. They grow to be very large very quickly, and are the biggest cats in the world. Hercules, the largest non-obese liger, is the largest living cat on Earth, weighing over 410 kg (904 lb). Tigon (Male Tiger + Female Lion) How far can you go? Did you know that Lige...