Sunday Special! Jannat ki haqeeqat!

 Jannat ki haqeeqat

In religious cosmology, the seven heavens refer to seven levels or divisions of the Heavens. The concept is found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; a similar concept is also found in Hinduism.Jainism
While 'Jannah' in the Quran is often translated as "Heaven" in the sense of an abode where believers are rewarded in afterlife 'samāʾ  is the word for heaven in the sense of space or celestial sphere, as "seven heavens" (Quran:2:29, 78:12). The seven levels of Jannah are Jannat al Adan, Firdaws, Jannat-ul-Mawa, Jannat-an-Naim, Dar al-maqama, Dar al-salam, and Dar al-Akhirah.Firdaws – The Highest Gardens of Paradise.
Islamic extremists who believe in suicide bombing as martyrdom expect rewards in the afterlife, as specified by the Quran. male martyrs will receive 72 virgins  in paradise as a reward for their sacrifice.who are beautiful an with whom they can have eternal physical satisfaction.Qur’an paradise is indeed a garden, a place where the blessed will recline, eat, drink, and be accompanied by women

The Hoors
How Hoors look like:
They will have big,dark eyes(Quran44:54),Untouched before them by or Jinni(Quran 55:56). They would be transparent to the extent that the bone marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and flesh(Sahih -al Bukhari-3254). The Mullahs exaggerated that they would be transparent through 70 layers of clothes.They do not urinate or pass stool whatever they eat and drink dissipates in the air.Allah did not use earth but only scent,amber and zafran and their height would be 132 feet.

What is in store for women in Jannah is as follows:-

Allaah will marry the believing women to their husbands of the 'Duniya' (worldly life) if they were righteous and if a woman did not get married during her worldly life, or if her husband was not from the people of Jannah, then Allah will marry her to one of the believing men in Jannah. The women will live with their husbands and children and families in their own realms in Paradise.

The area of the upper astral plane where the various heavens are located is called Summer land (Theosophists believe hell is located in the lower astral plane of Earth which extends downward from the surface of the earth down to its center)

The Qur’an threatens it's audience with vivid images of hell,. In the Qur’anic hell those punished will be struck by angels, drink boiling water, and eat from the tree of Zaqqum, whose fruit is like the heads of devils.Allah  himself declares, “But those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of the Fire and they shall remain in it forever” (Q 2:39).

The First Humans

Homo habilis, early humans

Homo habilis individuals chip away at rocks, sharpening them for cutting up game or scraping hides while a woman, with her child, gathers wild berries to eat and branches to make shelters.

One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa.

.Hinduism is the World's oldest religion with roots and customs dating back more than 4000 years, but it started somewhere between 2300 BC and 1500 BC in the Indus Valley in the modern-day Pakistan!The start of Islam is marked in the year 610, following the first revelation to the prophet Muhammad at the age of 40

I wonder where are the people who died before start of Islam?




My research says they must be in the waiting area  called Limbo(In Catholic
In religious cosmology, the seven heavens refer to seven levels or divisions of the Heavens. The concept is found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; a similar concept is also found in Hinduism.Jainism
While 'Jannah' in the Quran is often translated as "Heaven" in the sense of an abode where believers are rewarded in afterlife 'samāʾ  is the word for heaven in the sense of space or celestial sphere, as "seven heavens" (Quran:2:29, 78:12). The seven levels of Jannah are Jannat al Adan, Firdaws, Jannat-ul-Mawa, Jannat-an-Naim, Dar al-maqama, Dar al-salam, and Dar al-Akhirah.Firdaws – The Highest Gardens of Paradise.
Islamic extremists who believe in suicide bombing as martyrdom expect rewards in the afterlife, as specified by the Quran. male martyrs will receive 72 virgins  in paradise as a reward for their sacrifice.who are beautiful an with whom they can have eternal physical satisfaction.Qur’an paradise is indeed a garden, a place where the blessed will recline, eat, drink, and be accompanied by women

The Hoors
How Hoors look like:
They will have big,dark eyes(Quran44:54),Untouched before them by or Jinni(Quran 55:56). They would be transparent to the extent that the bone marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and flesh(Sahih -al Bukhari-3254). The Mullahs exaggerated that they would be transparent through 70 layers of clothes.They do not urinate or pass stool whatever they eat and drink dissipates in the air.Allah did not use earth but only scent,amber and zafran and their height would be 132 feet.

What is in store for women in Jannah is as follows:-

Allaah will marry the believing women to their husbands of the 'Duniya' (worldly life) if they were righteous and if a woman did not get married during her worldly life, or if her husband was not from the people of Jannah, then Allah will marry her to one of the believing men in Jannah. The women will live with their husbands and children and families in their own realms in Paradise.

The area of the upper astral plane where the various heavens are located is called Summer land (Theosophists believe hell is located in the lower astral plane of Earth which extends downward from the surface of the earth down to its center)

The Qur’an threatens it's audience with vivid images of hell,. In the Qur’anic hell those punished will be struck by angels, drink boiling water, and eat from the tree of Zaqqum, whose fruit is like the heads of devils.Allah  himself declares, “But those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of the Fire and they shall remain in it forever” (Q 2:39).

The First Humans

Homo habilis, early humans

Homo habilis individuals chip away at rocks, sharpening them for cutting up game or scraping hides while a woman, with her child, gathers wild berries to eat and branches to make shelters.

One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa.

.Hinduism is the World's oldest religion with roots and customs dating back more than 4000 years, but it started somewhere between 2300 BC and 1500 BC in the Indus Valley in the modern-day Pakistan!The start of Islam is marked in the year 610, following the first revelation to the prophet Muhammad at the age of 40

I wonder where are the people who died before start of Islam?








My Research says there must be in the waiting area  called Limbo(In Catholic theology); Limbo is the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned,condemned to punishment, are deprived of the joy of eternal existence with God in heaven!
Reality of Heaven and Hell.
The Mullahs teach and brainwash the Poor, innocent,Jaahil Gwaar(unlettered,uncultured,ignorant) young boys to do jihad killing non-Muslims,Muslims of sects other than 'Sunnis' to become human bombs telling them that their life on the earth was temporary real is the afterlife and the ultimate goal is to meet Allah in Jannah.No elite class  Muslim,army officer ,Mullah prepares his son for jihad.Had Jannat been as described by Mullahs they would have sent their own children for jihad and have themselves booked a seat in Jannat.
The Reality of Heaven and Hell as explained by the poets is as follows:-

hamko  ma’aloom  hai  jannat  ki  haqeeqat lekin,

dil ko behlaaney  ko, yeh khayaal achcha hai.

(We all know the reality of this place called Heaven,

Yet, to keep the heart feeling happy and content, the idea of Heaven is a beautiful one)

-Mirza Ghalib

Hamei.n gyaan hai swarag ki sachaayee ki ,prantoo

Hirdai ko pulikat karney ke liye vichaar uttam hai.

-Hundi Translation by Tejinder Kamboj

Quote for the Life:

"He who remained high on intoxication on the very thought of seventy two 'Hoors',
Neither could comply with 'Deen'(divine law),nor enjoyed in(Duniya)(the temporal world)"

-Tejinder Kamboj


Moral of the Story:

"Eh jag Mi(t)Thaa,agla kin(h) di(t)tha!"

(This life you have seen is Beautiful,who has seen afterlife?)

The last words Lashkar-e-Taiba operative Ajmal Amir Kasab(The captured terrorist of 7/11 Mumbai attack) said to senior police inspector Ramesh Mahale were,
Aap jeet gaye, main har gaya [you won, I lost].”

When police asked Kasab what he understood about jihad, Kasab told the interrogators "it is about killing and getting killed and becoming famous." "Come, kill and die after a killing spree. By this one will become famous and will also make God proud.""We were told that our big brother India is so rich and we are dying of poverty and hunger. My father sells dahi wada in a stall in Lahore and we did not even get enough food to eat from his earnings. I was promised that once they knew that I was successful in my operation, they would give 150,000 rupees (around US$3,352), to my family," said Kasab.

Life of a poor youth in Islamic countries is only worth Rs.Lakh and a half or Gift of 72 Hoors.

I hope culprits of 9/11 Twwin Towers attack,Mohammad Ata and Company are enjoying afterlife in Jannat -e-Firdaous with  72 hoors!

eternal existence with God in heaven!
Reality of Heaven and Hell.
The Mullahs teach and brainwash the Poor, innocent,Jaahil Gwaar(unlettered,uncultured,ignorant) young boys to do jihad killing non-Muslims,Muslims of sects other than 'Sunnis' to become human bombs telling them that their life on the earth was temporary real is the afterlife and the ultimate goal is to meet Allah in Jannah.No elite class  Muslim,army officer ,Mullah prepares his son for jihad.Had Jannat been as described by Mullahs they would have sent their own children for jihad and have themselves booked a seat in Jannat.
The Reality of Heaven and Hell as explained by the poets is as follows:-

hamko  ma’aloom  hai  jannat  ki  haqeeqat lekin,

dil ko behlaaney  ko, yeh khayaal achcha hai.

(We all know the reality of this place called Heaven,

Yet, to keep the heart feeling happy and content, the idea of Heaven is a beautiful one)

-Mirza Ghalib

Hamei.n gyaan hai swarag ki sachaayee ki ,prantoo

Hirdai ko pulikat karney ke liye vichaar uttam hai.

-Hundi Translation by Tejinder Kamboj

Quote for the Life:

"He who remained high on intoxication on the very thought of seventy two 'Hoors',
Neither could comply with 'Deen'(divine law),nor enjoyed in(Duniya)(the temporal world)"

-Tejinder Kamboj


Moral of the Story:

"Eh jag Mi(t)Thaa,agla kin(h) di(t)tha!"

(This life you have seen is Beautiful,who has seen afterlife?)

The last words Lashkar-e-Taiba operative Ajmal Amir Kasab(The captured terrorist of 7/11 Mumbai attack) said to senior police inspector Ramesh Mahale were,
Aap jeet gaye, main har gaya [you won, I lost].”

When police asked Kasab what he understood about jihad, Kasab told the interrogators "it is about killing and getting killed and becoming famous." "Come, kill and die after a killing spree. By this one will become famous and will also make God proud.""We were told that our big brother India is so rich and we are dying of poverty and hunger. My father sells dahi wada in a stall in Lahore and we did not even get enough food to eat from his earnings. I was promised that once they knew that I was successful in my operation, they would give 150,000 rupees (around US$3,352), to my family," said Kasab.

Life of a poor youth in Islamic countries is only worth Rs.Lakh and a half or Gift of 72 Hoors.

I hope culprits of 9/11 Twwin Towers attack,Mohammad Ata and Company are enjoying afterlife in Jannat -e-Firdaous with  72 hoors!


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