Quotes of the day!

 Quotes of the day!

"Buddha hoya sheikh Farid, Kamban laggi deh
Je saou varehya.n jeevna, tad Bhee tan hosi kheh."

Sheikh Farid (April 4,1179-May 7,1266

Your body quivers, O wise Farid, now you’re hoary and old
To dust you are surely bound even if you live years untold

“one crowded hour of glorious life is worth than an age without a name”

Thomas Osbert Mordaunt (1730–1809)
 A life of an hour in which everyone knows your identity for something you have achieved and they appreciate it has more worth than a long life in which you are crowded but nobody knows who you are.

"Life may be short but it should be sublime,noble,elevated,lived to the fullest and made it count."

-Tejinder Kamboj



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