Sunday Special-Surkhaab ke Par!

Surkhab ke Pankh!

Nihayaeti tanz hai –Hindi Muhavara , "Surkhaab ke par lage hona."
Yeh aam taur par kisi aise shakhs ke liye jo apne  aap ko kuch – Khansahab Turram Khan,Fanneh Khan,Nadhu Khan ki tarah – ziadah samajh raha ho ya apne ohdey se uncha ya alag salook ki umeed kar raha ho.

Rahul GandhihiRelated image ke' kaun se Surkhab ke par lage Hai.n' jo Congress Party uss ko Prime Minister of India banana chahti hai?  .
what has he done to be a PM? except to be born at the right place at the right time, no earned credentials at all and even not ‘Having a Golden Ass’  implying that this guy having tremendous attitude, exhibiting style and mannerism very different from ordinary persons.

'सुरख़ाब का पर लगना'
- अनोखापन होना; श्रेष्ठतासूचक; विशेषता होना; विलक्षणता होना।

SurkhabPersianسرخابRed river PersianRuddy shelduck

In Persian Surkh means Red. Aab means Paani
We often hear  and use some idioms without understanding their meaning properly. The above Indian (Hindi) idiom “Does he/she have feathers of Surkhab?” often refers to a person who has lot of airs about him/her or has attitude. Their scientific name is Chrysolophus pictus  and belong to the fowl family. In India this bird is known as Surkhab . In fact very few people have actually seen this bird.These birds are very shy and can sense danger or natural disasters. Since they have very colorful and beautiful feathers, a  person with exceptional style, sophistication or with a very delicate disposition is sarcastically referred to as ‘Having feathers of Surkhab’ (उसके कोनसे सुरखाब के पर लगे हुए हैं ) ? I had also heard and used this phrase without knowing as to what exactly is Surkhab till . Recently ( I am 78 years of age) at which point the curiosity got the better of me and I started searching for the bird Surkhab.
The Viral videos on Social Media state about  the bird "Surkhaab":
It's price is Rs. 25 lacs. Nineteen photographers have spent 62 precious days and only then they were able to shoot this video.
I was confused but was sure it must be a colorful and beautiful  bird. My search on the net revealed 4 different birds claimed to be Surkhab
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The bird in the video is "Surkhaab". It's price is Rs. 25 lacs. Nineteen photographers have spent 62 precious days and only then they were able to shoot this...
No.2It took 19 photographers 62 days to shoot a video of the Surkhab bird. Much rare. Very value.     No.3                                                Tragopan beautiful amazing                                                                                          

Bird No.4
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The first three birds are Fake  No. 4 is the Real Surkhab
(Confirmed by Dr. Fiaz  Ahmad  Khudsar a Wild life Biologist)
{In Bird no 1 & 2 There is no Surkh ( Red) color at all and in bird no 3 'Aks'( reflection) in 'Aab' ( Water) is not 'Surkh'(Red)
The Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) is a member of the duck, goose and swan family Anatidae. It is in the shelduck subfamily Tadorninae. In India it is known as the Brahminy Duck.
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In Tibet and Mongolia, Ruddy Shelduck is considered sacred by the Buddhists. It is also a sacred animal in Slavic mythology. In Hindi and Urdu (India/Pakistan) it is called Surkhab.
The genus name Tadorna comes from Celtic roots and means "pied waterfowl", essentially the same as the English "shelduck".
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The Ruddy Shelduck is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird.

Searched,Compiled and Illustrated by Tejinder Kamboj


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