Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week!

'Ram Rajya' is an 'Utopia'(Imaginary world of perfect political and social system).In criminal law,Blackstone's ratio is an idea that:'It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer'.It is inhumane for Lord Rama to abandon a pregnant woman like Sita in the woods.and for Laxman to abandon his wife Urmila for fourteen years and to punish Sarupnakha by cutting her nose simply for reason of her advances towards him.An Ideal husband,when people raise their fingers against the character of his wife would say to one and all,"I don't give a damn about what you think. She's my wife. I trust her and all those who have a problem with it,should just go to hell"But,Ram was not  an ideal husband,'xxxso called' "Maryada Purushottam".Seeta parityaga (Disowning of Seeta) even after her agnipriksha.was excess c omitted on her.Innocent women folk have been punished unheard.Ram Rajya is thus not a reality but an utopia"

-Tejinder Kamboj

Agnipravesha Seetha requests Lakshmana to prepare a pile of fire for her to enter. When Lakshmana prepares a pyre, Seetha prays the fire-god and enters into it, in order to prove her conjugal fidelity.
Foot Notes:
In Ram Rajya Three ladies namely, Sita,Urmilla and Sarupnakkha got 'Badla'(reward) of Wafa (Faith and Loyalty) as 'jaffa'(Troth-an act of subjugating by cruelty)
Sita: She was adopted daughter of King Janaka and wife of Rama
Urmila:She is the daughter of King Janaka of Mithila and Queen Sunaina and younger sister of Sita. She was married to Ayodhya's king Dasharatha's son Lakshmana. She was as dedicated to Sita as Lakshman was to Rama.When Lakshman went to exile along with Ram and Sita, Urmila was ready to accompany him but he hesitated and asked her to stay back in Ayodhya to take care of his aging parents.
Sarupnakha: She was the sister of Lanka king, Ravana,


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