Quote of the week!

 Jugaad to Frugal Innovation and beyond | by Piyush Belchandan | UX  Collective

Quote of the Week!
"The Punjabi word 'Jugaad',(an abbreviation of Justified,Guideline to Achieve the Desired State) has it's origin in Sanskrit word 'Yukti'(Punjabi word Jugat),Meaning, an innovative,non-conventional creativity to make existing thing work,now finds place in world's most trusted English Oxford dictionary.Engineer is a chap or chapess who controls engines.The term engineer comes from Latin word 'gene',meaning to create,invent or bring forth.The word 'Engine' is derived from 'Ingenium'.I define engineering as combination of 3 'Es' and 3 'Ms'.(Economic,Extraction of Efficiency out of Men,Money and Materials).Jugaad is thus frugal engineering at Peak."
-Tejinder Kamboj



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