Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week!

What is the complete reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to form water? -  Quora
Fairy picture of water . English: Illustration from Real fairy folks;  explorations in the world of atoms, by Lucy Rider Meyer, 1849-1922. Boston:  D. Lothrop and company, c1887, p. 208. Three
H-Hydrogen on the left- Oxygen in the middle-not on the same page,   HO on the right
'Pandora and her box'.  Illustration by Warwick Goble. From The Water Babies, published 1922.
2H  on left                                       2H+O   in the Middle                                               O on the right
Making Water From Hydrogen and Oxygen

"Nothing is good or bad but their nature makes them so. By nature, Hydrogen is extremely inflammable and acts in destructive ways. Oxygen supports combustion but has benevolent behavior and is vital to life. There is no way to make water that extinguishes fire. One molecule each of oxygen and hydrogen would be ready to join together but Oxygen, was of the view, 'better alone than in the bad company'.

Oxygen atom said to the duo of hydrogen atoms, "this threesome will get me wet and that why should I contribute to all the Mass ". Hydrogen was also reluctant to contribute two against one by oxygen. It needed a little kick spark of energy to activate to make them join hands. Heated exchange between them resulted in exothermic reaction .Compounding of bad with good elements produces entirely different and soothing lifesaving compound known in Latin 'Aqua'(Water)."

-Tejinder Kamboj



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