Quote of the WeeK!

 Quote of the Week!

Who is the wife of Lord Brahma? - Quora

"Hindu Deities are often depicted with multiple arms indicating their immense strength over humans to perform numerous acts at a time. Lord Brahma, 'The Creator', is not worshiped by His creation(comprised of external elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus) because of His unacceptable behaviour towards His creation. He is selfish having provided four arms to his wife whose only role is to entertain him, but only two arms to humans. Mothers are privileged to give life to another beings out of their flesh and blood .Brahma is attached to temporary things like external beauty and ignores the permanent reality, the 'Soul' and turned from spiritual to materialistic. Mother(may be of 'Earth' or 'Flesh'),her creation may be ugly or beautiful, loves her entire creation without discrimination .Mother can take place of all others but no one can take her role, understands even what the child does not say. Mother is multitasking superwoman as a House keeper, Cheff, teacher, nurse ,coach, chauffer, story teller ,organiser, planner. Holds harts of her creation till her last breath."

-Tejinder Kamboj


P.S. Mother's Value!


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