Quote of the Week!


 Quote of the Week!

1-Sikh-Light-infantry Sikh Light infantrymen amuse themselves with song-and- dance, 1 km near LAC, India-China border. The make mockery of death.

"Bravery has no religion but Faith 'esprit de corps' do have. According to Google ,Sikhs are universally recognized as the bravest community in the world. The secret behind their bravery ,besides their Stoic and resolute nature, is hidden in their Belief, Greetings and 'Takya-Kalam' (Catch phrase) .'Sat Sri Akaal' (Sat means -Truth or Reality,Kaal means -Time,Akal- means Time less .Meaning of This War cry is: Eternal is only the great timeless Lord"). For we mortals Death is inevitable and it's time is fixed."Chinta taki kijiye, jo anhoni hoye ,Ihe marg sansar ko Nanak thir nahin koye(Meaning: "Worry only about something that has never happened, In this world O Nanak, there is nothing forever....)
Their courage never wavers, their spirit never flags. Their 'esprit de corps' and earthy sense of humour help them fully used up before death as such they make mockery of the death 'Zindagi da ki bharosa kado,n pattaka pai jaavey'(Meaning:Life is uncertain curtain may fall any time)

-Tejinder Kamboj



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