Sunday Special-Humility V/S Superiority complex disorder


Humility V/S Superiority  complex disorder                                          
Cul-de-sac (Bulbous end of the road-Like onion or Light bulb) in Picture above

I was on a short visit to Toronto and stayed with my brother for a week.In the above picture my brother's house is to the left and exactly opposite to it is the house of one Zora Singh(Not in the Picture).I fondly and jokingly call my y brother's wife as 'Chachi' as my children call her chachi.Throughout my week's stay I observed the family's car of the house opposite entering and exiting multiple times daily.but never had a glimpse of it's occupants.Three children,two boys and a girl, were also often seen going to and fro to school ,the boys supporting 'Patka' and the girl with head covered with 'Chunni'.Obviously the family was of devout Sikhs.I had never seen Zora Singh or his wife until One Monday morning I noticed two police cars taking away a Sikh gentleman(Zora Singh) in the presence of his wife and children.I asked .'Chachi' what the matter was.'Chachi' shrugged her shoulders and replied," I don't know,every thing was fine til yesterday,only thing I know was that the family held 'Patth'&'Kirtan'(Reading and Recitation of the holy text) on the occasion of Zora Singh's birthday,and that I was also invited for the event but I told them that I can not make it as I had guests from India and had our own schedule but ,any way ,I will find out what the matter was." She volunteered to tell me  about the background of the family,as follows:-
The house opposite is is owned jointly by Zora Singh and his wife.Zora Singh hails from Indian Punjab  and his wife is a christian from West Indies converted to Sikhism and married Zora Singh.Zora Singh was a welder and his wife was a Nurse.Zora Singh was a turbaned Sikh but was a drunkard.Zora's wife read out to him  from the Guru Granth Sahib  about Sikh Maryada  "Those who do not use intoxicants are true; they dwell in the Court of the Lord."(SGGS p 15.ਸੁਰਸਰੀ ਸਲਲ ਕ੍ਰਿਤ ਬਾਰੁਨੀ ਰੇ ਸੰਤ ਜਨ ਕਰਤ ਨਹੀ ਪਾਨੰ "sursaree salal kirat baarunee ray sant jan karat nahee pan"(SGGS page 1293)
(Even if wine is made from the water of the Ganges, O Saints, do not drink it).But failed to get him rid of his bad habit,and the result was due to drunken driving he was deprived of his drining license and he became dependent on her for transportation.
As a devout Sikh she would rise at 'Amrit Vela'(Early Morning),do 'Ishnaan'(take shower),Do 'Nitnem'(Daily routine of reciting Sikh Hyms three times of the day) do domestic chores prepare breakfast,get the children ready for school and after dropping Zora Singh at  his work place she would go to her hospital duty.After her duty she would bring back her husband and get busy with children and domestic work routine after Evening prayer(Rehraas Patth). After dong dishes etc. she would recite Night prayer (Kirtan Sohla) and would be the last to sleep.

Next day 'Chachi'  went to Zora's house learnt about details previous night's incident and narrated as follows:-
After the 'Bhog'(To Conclude) and  ,'Ardaas' (Prayer)and distribution of 'Parsaad'(Blessed food) among the devotees 'Guru Granth' (the holy book) was being wrapped to be taken back to the Gurudwara to which the same belonged.Zora's wife chanced to pass through the adjoining room and was taken aback  at the scene there was that about five or six friends of Zora were sitting around a round table glasses were laid and zora was pouring Whiskey into the glasses and the job was half done.Zora's wife shouted at Zora," Could you not wait for 'Baba ji's swaari'(Guru Granth Sahib) to leave  before indulging in your nefarious designs?" Zora stopped the activity considering  the sensitiveness of time but felt like as if someone snatching meat from the mouth of the lion.As the guests left,Zora poured another peg in his glass and went to to the room where his wife was Reading from 'Gutka'

Gutka(collection of' Baanis' or hymns that form the core of a complete Sikh daily prayer)
He started abusing her," How dare you insult me before my friends". She told him that she did the right thing ,it was he who insulted my Guru by not following the 'Maryada'(Dignity and honour). But he went on abusing her and drinking.As the time passed the abuses became more and more filthy.She kept her calm and ignored him which made him more angry. he started vomiting spoiling the carpet and furniture.She stopped reading 'Gutka' and started cleaning the mess.He went on drinking,abusing and vomiting and she went on cleaning.Things came to a pass as , as they put it in Urdu,'Sabar ka piyala labrez ho gaye"(Perseverance and persistence gave way).She threw away the 'Gutka' and shouted," If your religion teaches you this nonsense I bid farewell to this religion and revert to my faith." Saying this she called the police, bade him good by and is now packing up to leave along with her children......This is the story so far let us see what happens next.

-Tejinder Kamboj



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