Background of the Quote:
About Bestiality(Sexual activity between a man and Animal)
Islam says as follows:-
According to Christianity,"

"If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal."
 Leviticus 20:15

According to Hinduism:

Chapter 10 of Parashara Smriti

, bestiality is a sin, and the expiations are also precisely mentioned therein.

enter image description here

Similarly, the Manu Smriti(Chapter 11 verse 173), states:

enter image description here

"According to Latin legal maxim, "Nemo punitar sine inflaria(No one is punished except for wrong doings). Animal abuse ,cruelty and suffering of innocent, helpless, Loyal animals is the most unfortunate and barbaric demonstration of so-called humans and the blackest chapter in the religious scriptures and world's history and should be just as punishable as child abuse to meet the ends of justice! "

-Tejinder Kamboj


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