Quote of the Week!

 Quote of the Week!

Noorullah-(Light of God)
This is Sheikh Maulvi  Noorullah Munir,the Minister of Higher Education of the Taliban who, as his name implies, is enlightened directly by the God-- say's ,"No PhD degree, master's degree is valuable today,You see that the Mullahs & Taliban that are in the power, have no PhD, MA or even a high school degree, but are the' greatest of all'.

"It is not necessary for an education minister to be educated.'Mullahs'(Muslim Scholar-semi literate and backward) With No so called superfluous and useless,PhD or Master's degree not even high school degree,are the 'Greatest of all'. They do not want the girls to go to school and want them to be illiterate,'Zahil' and'Gwaar' (Ignorant) like them. Education is supposed to be given to all Muslims, as Muhammad says: "Every Muslim male and female, is requested to seek for knowledge",which according to Talebans can be best imparted by 'Mullahs' who give courses in 'Advanced- Ignorance.' because they are greatest of all'!!!"

-Tejinder Kamboj



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