Quote of the Week!
starts with letter 'O'. There is no 'O' in 'Yesterday',as such
'yesterday' is history .'Today' has only one 'O' as such an unique
opportunity,do not put it off until tomorrow.lethargic people need to
shed the habit of procrastination.Even if you missed the boat,'Tomorrow'
has three 'O's,as many as three, but uncertain opportunities and if
still not availed,'Doomsday' has two 'O's as such two opportunities
witch I hope one should 'avoid' as it has only one 'O' as such an unique
opportunity not to be missed.Even 'Today' ,arrest the very 'Moment'
which has one 'O' indicating it to be the unique opportunity as the life
is tickling away Curtain may fall any moment!"
-Tejinder Kamboj
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