Sunday Special--Only Blue Whale can say, "Tu mere Dil Mei.n hai!"

Blue Whale

Related image Interesting information about the blue whale
The blue whale is a massive creature and is the largest living animal in the world.If you’ve ever seen a ten story building it will give you an idea of just how big the blue whale is.The largest of the blue whales can measure in at over 100 ft in length and can weigh in excess of 180 tons at its largest. To keep its energy up an adult blue whale can consume as many as 40 million krill per day or 8,000 lbs. of krill daily!
During migration periods the blue whale can forgo eating for several months living almost exclusively off of energy which is stored in its blubber.
Despite the name “blue whale” this marine mammal actually appears to be closer to a grayish blue coloring.
The deep blue color you see when you observe a blue whale is actually because it is submerged underwater, which makes the whale appear to be a deep blue.
Even though the blue whale is extremely large it has a relatively slender body allowing it to travel up to 30 miles per hour for short bursts when it feels threatened or startled.
The largest confirmed measurement of a blue whale was 109 ft and the heaviest blue whale weighed an estimated 200 tons.
Image result for images of blue whale

The Blue Whale's Heart

In fact everything about the blue whale is large including its, arteries and its heart.
On average most blue whales grow to be around 70 – 90 ft in length, weigh around 100 – 150 tons.
In order to get blood through the blue whales large body it has massive arteries, which pump blood through the heart and into its major vital organs.
The aorta alone measures in at over 9 inches!
The blue whales heart can weigh in excess of 1,300 lbs.
In terms of size the blue whales heart is about the size of a small car.
At a rate of 8 – 10 beats per minute the blue whale’s heartbeat can be heard from over 2 miles away.
In comparison to a blue whale a dolphins heart has a heart rate of 35 – 45 beats per minute and a humans heart has an average heart rate of around 60 – 80 beats per minute.
When comparing the heart of a human to the heart of a blue whale the average size of a humans heart is about the same size as that individuals fist and weighs less than a pound in most healthy adults, while a blue whales heart is comparable to a Volkswagen beetle in terms of size and can weigh more than 1,300 lbs.
The arteries are so large in fact that a full size human could swim through them.
 Log to.e Jhooth bolte hai.n Sirf  BlueWhale hi aisa beyaan de sakti hai! ke," aap mere dil mei.n rehtey ho"
Blue Whales and Communication
Research suggests that Blue Whales – typically solitary animals, though known to travel in pairs and congregate into larger groups at specific times to feed – can communicate with one another via calls across oceans. The Blue Whale can make sounds far below human hearing, at very low frequencies, which can travel hundreds of miles across the sea. In fact, scientists believe that the very-low-frequency courtship songs of Blue Whales are the most powerful biological sounds in the oceans. But the noise created by ships and other human activities could be interfering by drowning out whale calls when they are looking for a potential mate. Research suggests that whale songs evolved to take advantage of the ocean's sound channel, especially for some of their most important kinds of communication, including finding a mate. Interestingly, only male Blue Whales sing loud songs, suggesting a sexual reason for the calls, which are potentially being cancelled out by the din of modern shipping in the sea.

Rare images of blue whale feeding behavior - YouTube
Apr 18, 2017 - Uploaded by Oregon State University
Oregon State scientists captured some rare blue whale feeding behavior from a research drone. Whales are ...
Searched,Compiled and Illustrated by Tejinder Kamboj


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