Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography!

Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Luiz Luxvich is a water droplet photographer who has a large presence on the flickr website. His work is much like Waugh’s, and uses the same techniques to capture the movement of water in its delicate and inspiring form. He uses a lot of electronic timing equipment to accurately time the fall and collisions of the water droplets.
This photo is one of my favourites from Luxvich. By accurately timing the droplets, he has managed to make one falling droplet collide with another which is bouncing out of the water from the bottom. It creates an amazing sculpture of water which when combined with a high speed flash, can be caught in mid-air. He has used the flash from above in this photo, giving the top of the water splash a shimmering effect.
This photo was created in the same way as the previous photo. The slight timing differences Luxvich uses means he can capture a variety of shapes from the water. I like how the water contrasts really well with the deep blue background.
For this photo, Luxvich has used a single water droplet instead of two. Doing this means he can capture a single, perfectly round droplet in mid-air. I like how the vivid background is reflected in the droplet, and how the colour acts in different shapes on the water surface.
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography

Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Liquid Sculptures of Martin Waugh
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Water Kiss!
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Not mercury, not ice – just water… splendid water:
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography Suspended…
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
(images credit: Irene Muller)
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography
Stunning High Speed Liquid Photography

Searched by Tejinder Kamboj


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